Mile 248


It’s lunchtime; hikers are sitting in a loose circle in the sun, tending to their hiker hunger. SlowSong says he is hiking another 11 miles in addition to the 14 he has already covered. This is the first time they have met. Having hiked some of those miles herself, Misfit says, “That is too far for me.” SlowSong says that he believes she can. “Just go at your own pace.” He says.

She scoffs at his words, but they take root. It is dinner time at the shelter that was too far when Misfit arrives. SlowSong and Greeter welcome her to the table. SlowSong has an extra big grin on his face. Greeter, who has been there all day, serves up a celebratory cheese stick with half a bagel to honor Misfit’s big-mile accomplishment.

It’s early evening; another hiker approaches Misfit. He goes out on a limb with a personal question, hoping to see and be seen as part of the queer community. They find solidarity in their exchange. It’s just after breakfast; two hikers are about to set out for their big-mile day. Misfit hollers after them, “You can do it! I believe in you!”. They smile in reply and head out into the cold morning. She goes to bed that night knowing they made their goal because she never sees them again.

It’s mid-afternoon; Misfit happens upon a sole sandal on the trail. She recognizes the size 15 camp shoe as Plato’s, a hiker she met and philosophized with the previous evening. She picks it up and hikes a few more miles, where she descends upon Plato at a forest road waiting for a shuttle minus one sandal. He is grateful for being reunited with his lost footwear. He is getting off trail for a few days to recover. He catches her off guard with additional gratitude for their conversation. Because of their exchange, he is opting to rest instead of quitting. He will return to the trail where he left off, and she is happy at the thought of crossing paths in the future. It’s dinnertime; the hikers share tales around the table as they tend to their hiker hunger. Familiar faces and new ones join Misfit, Gandalf, and Greeter as they enjoy their meals and joke about which is better - uphill or downhill. Finally, someone asks Misfit how she got her trail name. She never answers the same way twice, so she thinks momentarily and replies, “I suppose it’s because I don’t really hike with anybody. I am a misfit among misfits.”

At the other end of the table, Gandalf huffs at this explanation. Misfit hadn’t realized they had been landing at the same shelter for a few days. He says he liked her other response better. She was at a loss. Claiming the audience’s attention, he reveals the true story of her name by reciting her own words back to her: “I am starting the journey as a misfit with the hope to become ‘Ms. Fit!’” The audience chuckled in agreement at the better answer. Gandalf paused and looked at Misfit. “You do not hike with nobody.” He said. “You. Hike. With. Everybody.”

The next moment stretched out and slowed down as Misfit reflected on the past few days and realized he was right. Her trail family wasn’t a defined group. It was fluid. Hikers flowed into and out of each other’s lives. Sometimes for an hour, sometimes for several days or longer. Every moment was a chance to connect with the hikers around her. Every encounter was a leap of faith to open up and trust one another. Every hiker was a drop of water, making ripples in each other’s lives.

For the rest of the party, the moment had already passed. When Misfit caught up to reality, the conversation had already moved on. Gandalf was making a joke about ramen. He hadn’t thought twice about his words. For him, it was just a passing comment. However, for Misfit, a drop created a ripple that changed the shape of her journey.

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